If your ratchet antennas have not been tuned to “The Queens Court,” the online talk show and podcast hosted by Khia of “My Neck, My Back (Lick It)” fame and transwoman TS Madison, then you need to pull your head out of Mona Scott-Young’s messy wig and get with the best thing to hit the hoodverse since WorldStarHipHop.
But just as “The Queens Court” was gaining serious steam, it all fell apart in a spectacularly messy fashion. It all started with the new year when TS Madison decided to give “The Queens Court” a bit of a makeover.
The show, in its original inception, consisted of nothing more than TS Madison and Khia sitting in front of an iPad in her living room talking shit, laughing and roasting callers who dialed in for the gags. But Maddie decided the talk show needed a real set, so she and Khia got a backdrop, some props and judges robes. Which might’ve been tolerable, but along with the new props, Maddie decided to hire a “professional” production crew to enhance the lighting and camera equipment.
Unfortunately, that didn’t go so well when they tried to go live with for their weekly episode on Monday (Feb. 5) with special guest Mo’Nique. The audio, the lighting, and the stream were all jacked up, and after several delays, Madison couldn’t get it to work and she broke down. This might’ve been behind-the-scenes drama that none of us would’ve known about if Mo’Nique hadn’t been live streaming the entire debacle on her Periscope. (THE SHADE!!!)
Khia, who has a world famous motor mouth and an equally hot temper, was OVER the production crew’s failures and decided she was better off not participating in the shitshow, so off she went, leaving Madison a heaping, sobbing mess all by her lonesome.
After the aborted interview and the behind-the-scenes meltdown began to make the rounds on the internet, chatter about the death of “The Queens Court” began to trend on Black Twitter and YouTube. Funky Dineva (real name Quentin Latham), a distressed and evicted blogger who’s had more than his own share of public failures and flops, took to his YouTube channel to offer his take and advice to the pair. Given that he’s supposedly “friends” with TS Madison and once appeared on one of Khia’s “roast and gag” live streams that preceded “The Queens Court,” Quentin’s perspective carried more weight than others.
In the video, Funky Dineva gives props to the duo for building a viral brand, but he reveals his disdain and disgust for Khia, who he brands a liar.
Things got quiet for a while and people expected the duo to return to the air the following week on Feb. 12, but alas, the dynamic duo were no-shows. Madison did emerge to confirm that “The Queens Court” was on hiatus and would return in March, but the two were still committed to their live appearances.
Well, Khia finally broke her silence after being quiet for a week and let loose on a live stream of her own on Tuesday morning. It’s 59 minutes, so if you feel like listening to an angry beaver scream and sputter, have fun:
If you don’t have the stomach for Khia’s bile, here are the highlights:
- She warned Madison not to trust the production crew she hired as she didn’t trust their energy and felt they were lying about their production capabilities.
- She’s annoyed that Madison tried to overcomplicate the show by adding all of the new elements and props.
- She felt like Monique was fake and troublesome and shouldn’t have been live-streaming the behind-the-scenes chaos to her fans.
- She loves The Queens Court and still likes TS Madison, and will be continuing on with the live shows, but Madison pulled some moves that she didn’t appreciate as a business partner.
- Funky Dineva is a “punk” and a cocaine-snorting loser who has been whispering in Maddie’s ear and feeding her lies.
- She’s pretty much going back to doing her own thing and will be doing her own live streams at her house from now on.
It was a lot to digest and once Khia’s rant made the rounds, TS Madison had to respond with her own response:
Unlike Khia’s video, Madison’s live stream was only 20 minutes but again, in case you want the highlights:
- She never did or implemented any changes on the show without consulting with Khia, which includes the backdrop, the judges’ robes and more.
- She admits the production people she hired let her down and they should’ve tested the equipment well in advance of the actual show.
- She claims Khia hasn’t been as involved or helpful with the back-end side of things so she’s had to pick up the slack pretty much on her own as the business lead.
- The love between the two remains, and like Khia, she will do the live appearances, but she doesn’t understand why Khia has blocked her on social media if they’re supposed to be cool.
- She remains hopeful that The Queens Court will return in proper form on March 19th.
On top of Khia and Madison’s responses, Funky Dineva had yet ANOTHER response, taking aim at Khia for claiming that he snorted coke in front of her.
Again, the highlights:
- He admits to using a variety of drugs including cocaine, but denies doing it in front of Khia.
- He calls her a liar and a gossip who makes up stories about people.
- He asks why her kids don’t want to associate with her.
- He’s making money off of talking about Khia and Madison and made nearly $2,000 off of one video.
Are you exhausted yet? Cause I am.
I hope that Khia can get over herself and return to the fold so that “The Queens Court” can live on. TS Madison was certainly trying to do too much too soon, but her heart was in the right place and it’s still salvageable. Madison just needs to listen to Khia, fire the crew, and get back to basics on what the fans want. And Khia needs to put Funky Dineva on the docket, roast him once and for all, and stop filling his YouTube piggy bank.
TS Madison is certainly holding out hope. Come on, Khia. Don’t let her, or the fans, down.