The woman at the center of Kevin Hart’s cheating/sex tape scandal has been identified and she’s speaking out. During a press conference with her lawyer, Lisa Bloom, on Wednesday (Sept. 20), Montia Sabbag revealed she had brief “intimate relationship” with the comedian and confirmed she is the woman with Hart in the leaked sex tape.
However, Sabbag is adamant that she did not record the secret footage, nor is she the one attempting to extort Hart for millions of dollars in exchange of keeping the footage private. Bloom even said her client is a victim just as much as Hart in this situation.
Here are a few things you need to know about Kevin Hart’s sex tape companion, Montia Sabbag.
Montia Sabbag is a 27-year-old aspiring singer/actress who met Kevin Hart in Las Vegas in mid-August.
Montia Sabbagg (sometimes spelled Montiah Sabagg) is a 27-year-old who lives in Long Beach, California. It has been reported that she is a “traveling stripper” willing to appear at any club that wants her. However, she denied this during her Wednesday press conference as she explained her connection to Kevin Hart.
“My name is Montia Sabbag. I was involved with Kevin Hart a month ago. Since then my pictures and my name have been released with lies written about me. I’m not an extortionist. I’m not a stripper. I’m a recording artist and an actress and I have not broken any laws. I had nothing to do with these recordings.”
According to Sabbag’s attorney, Lisa Bloom, Sabbag first met Hart “on the way” to Las Vegas during the weekend of August 17, 2017. Sabbag did not know she was going to meet the comedian in Vegas, but the two were together for the next few days at the Cosmopolitan Hotel.
A sex tape of Montia Sabbag & Kevin Hart leaked online following a foiled extortion attempt.
In an Instagram video posted on Sept. 16, Kevin Hart revealed he was being extorted for money over an alleged sex tape. Other than a non-graphic screenshot, no footage of the video had been released at the time Hart posted his apology video. However, TMZ and other outlets reported the contents of said video.
Via TMZ:
The 4-minute and 47 second video is highly produced, with audio from Kevin on various radio shows as the video rolls. The video cuts to a bedroom scene where it appears 2 people are having sex on a bed. You can’t see the people in the bed, but afterward you see a naked man walking in the room and it definitely looks like Kevin.
By that Monday (Sept. 18), footage of the sex tape had surfaced online and was captured by Fameolous. The short clip is exactly as TMZ described. Though nothing graphic is seen, it’s definitely clear at least two people are having sex. It also includes Kevin talking to a second woman at the end of the clip.
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Sabbag claims she did not record her encounter with Kevin. Investigators say the video was recorded using an iPhone and Sabbag can be seen using her phone in the footage. Sabbag also claims she was not involved with whoever did secretly record her and Kevin’s tryst.
Bloom says her client is the victim of “multiple felonies” at the state and federal level.
“Montia is a crime victim. Someone apparently snuck cameras into Kevin Hart’s private hotel suite in Las Vegas and recorded bedroom images of the two of them. It is a crime to secretly put cameras in a private place like a hotel room. It is another crime to secretly record people in a private place. It is yet another crime to distribute those images. Montia is the victim of multiple felonies under state and federal laws.”
Suggestive photos of Montia & Kevin at a Las Vegas nightclub have also surfaced.
In addition to the sex tape footage, photos of Kevin Hart and Montia Sabbag surfaced online on Tuesday (Sept. 19). The photos were taken on August 19 at Marquee Nightclub at the Cosmopolitan hotel, but it’s unclear if they were captured before or after Hart and Sabbag engaged in sexual activity.
The pics show Hart and Sabbag very close and intimate. Hart is basically between Sabbag’s legs in one shot, while the two seem to be kissing in another.
Montia & Kevin hooked up during Kevin’s pregnant wife’s birthday weekend & his extortionist wanted $15 million to keep his secret.
The newly published photos fit in the timeline described by Montia Sabbag, Lisa Bloom, and the extortionist. The yet-to-be-identified extortionist claimed Kevin Hart was at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas between August 17-20.
Hart’s pregnant wife Eniko Parrish’s birthday also happened to be August 18.
The extortionist explains in a text-only video that during Parrish’s birthday weekend, Hart “was recklessly partying with my friends and I. Drinking, doing drugs, and having sex with multiple women.”
“Seeing Kevin Hart blatantly disrespect his marriage in the way he did was appalling to me,” the extortionist writes.
So, the plan was to expose Hart as a womanizing cheater and benefit financially from the scandal by selling the sex tape video or blackmailing the comedian, demanding as much as $15 million by some reports.
Once their extortion plot was foiled by Kevin Hart, the extortionist still felt Hart should be exposed and hoped it would be a lesson for other celebrities.
“Kevin Hart was so drunk and drugged up, it was an effortless attempt to film and take pictures of him. I hope every celebrity learns his or her lesson from this. Regardless of your financial status, you are not invincible. Stay honest, faithful and real.
“Everyone knows, Once a cheater, always a cheater.”
Montia Sabbag denies being involved in the extortion plot and says she doesn’t want any money from the comedian.
Montia denies having in part in recording the sex tape or extorting Kevin Hart. “I’m not an extortionist… I have not broken any laws,” she said during her press conference on Wednesday (Sept. 20).
Prior to obtaining Lisa Bloom as counsel, Sabbag’s previous lawyer contacted Hart’s people saying she would take a lie detector test to prove she was not involved in the extortion plot, but only if she was paid $420,000.
Bloom said in a statement that her client is not demanding money, but is willing cooperate with authorities in order to aid in the investigation of who the extortionist and criminal is.
“Montia and I are not asking for a cent from Kevin Hart. This is not about money. We are not suing him. We are not making any claims against him. Any reports to the contrary are false.”
Bloom told TMZ that they have a suspicion of who the extortionist could be and would be informing law enforcement.
The FBI is currently looking into the extortion case and have a suspect as a person of interest. Hart has had at least two meetings with authorities, most recently by phone on Monday (Sept. 18) in an hour and a half long conversation.
Bloom noted that Hart had contacted Sabbag once since the scandal broke to ask her if she was involved (they have each other’s phone number) which Sabbag denied. Bloom hopes Hart will work with them to get to the bottom of the matter.