Will mail be delivered today, Martin Luther King Day?
Here in the United States, we celebrate the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. each year on the third Monday in January. This year, Martin Luther King Jr. Day — also called “MLK Day” — falls on Monday, January 16th 2017, which is today, and people want to know whether or not to expect any mail or packages to be delivered today.
So, to answer your question of “Will mail be delivered on Martin Luther King Day?” … we’re gonna have to say a big “NOPE.” Because MLK Day is recognized as a federal holiday, that means all federal offices of any kind — and that includes U.S. Post Offices — will be closed for the day. This means that neither businesses nor homes will receive ANY mail, including USPS packages.
If you’re expecting a package via USPS and the scheduled delivery is today, Monday, January 16th, then you should expect for that package to de delivered tomorrow, Tuesday, January 17th. According to USPS, ALL post offices will be closed for the day (FYI: federal workers will still be paid for the day).
If you’re anticipating a package to arrive via Fedex or UPS, according to their websites, you should get your packages on time, as they are not federal institutions and do not observe federal holidays. If you would like to know the entire 2017 holiday schedule for Fedex, you can view that here, and click here for UPS’ holiday schedule for 2017.
And, for future reference, here is a list of holidays on which mail will not be delivered:
New Year’s Day 2017 — Mon. January 2nd (observed)
George Washington’s Birthday — Mon. February 20th
Memorial Day — Mon. May 29th
Independence Day/4th of July — Tues. July 4th
Labor Day — Mon. September 4th
Columbus Day — Mon. October 9th
Veteran’s Day — Fri. November 10th (observed)
Thanksgiving Day — Thurs. November 23rd
Christmas Day — Mon. December 25th