Y’all might think the social media game is a young person’s sport, but don’t be fooled. Some of these old folks are out running this Instagram, Facebook and Twitter game just fine.
Beyoncé’s mother, better known as Ms. Tina Lawson, has truly become a social media butterfly in recent years. While Tina has always been a background player in her daughter’s success story, content with doing hair and sewing glittery bustiers, now that Ms. Tina has discovered the power of the ‘Gram, she can’t stop and won’t stop.
Here are a few beautiful things you’ll find if you bless yourself and hit follow on Ms. Tina’s IG profile.
1. Ms. Tina Will Rock Whatever Ugly Shit Her Grandbabies Make With Pride
Somebody gave Blue Ivy a glue gun and some fake crystals and that lil’ girl gave it to her nana and said wear it. And you know what? Ms. Tina rocked that crooked necklace and slapped those bedazzled jewels on the side of her face and called them eye jewels and gave y’all a fierce selfie for the ‘Gram. This glam-ma will do anything for her grandkids.
2. Ms. Tina Is Not Afraid to Feed Her Man In Front of You
Yes, that is Ms. Tina feeding her husband Richard Lawson some fresh watermelon on the beach. Yes, that is a lightly veiled reference to her daughter’s line about “watermelon” in “Drunk in Love,” which was also filmed on a beach. Yes, Ms. Tina is giving you sexual metaphors in a classy way.
3. Ms. Tina Likes to Show Off Her Famous Friends
While Monica is enjoying a buzz from the viral #SoGoneChallenge campaign, she was blessed before with the presence of Tina.
4. Ms. Tina Still Keeps It Classy with Her Ex
Mathew Knowles, her ex-husband and Bey’s daddy, did Ms. Tina SO, SO, SO dirty. He went around the country raw-dogging all kinds of thots, which resulted in various offspring and numerous child support claims. But Ms. Tina knows that despite Mathew’s mess, she still has a bit of respect for this man who helped her to create the divine creature that is Beyoncé. So she cuts him some slack and politely gives him space on her IG every once in a while.
5. Ms. Tina Will Give You Some Karaoke
Beyoncé’s vocal cords are blessed. Solange can carry a tune. Ms. Tina? Not so much. But it’s fun watching her give it a try anyway.
6. Ms. Tina’s Waist Is Snatched
Yes, that’s a 62-year-old woman and mother-of-two that you see above you with that itty bitty waist. Can you handle it?, as her daughter famously asks in “Bootylicious.”
7. Ms. Tina Always Makes Time for the Little People
Hey, Michelle, girl, hey!
8. Ms. Tina Rules Her #BaeWatch
Mathew Knowles may have messed things up with Tina, but her new husband Richard Lawson seems to be the love of her life. Tina is always snapping selfies with her boo, just to let all these hos know that she’s got it on lock.
9. Ms. Tina Is a Social Justice Warrior
While Ms. Tina loves to have a good time, she also uses her voice and platform to raise awareness about a variety of issues and causes. When Alton Sterling was killed, she mourned his death. With the floods wreaking havoc in Louisiana, she called for aid. Ms. Tina cares.
10. Ms. Tina Is Always Good For a Throwback Thursday
Because greatness like this didn’t just happen overnight.