This is sad. This is so sad. Azealia Banks is literally out here roaming the streets looking like a powdered doughnut. The rapper recorded a Facebook Live session to explain/justify her recent skin bleaching procedures.
I don’t know if she’s trying to convince us or herself. But in the 21-minute video, she stumbles over her thoughts as she explains she’s simply trying to assimilate into our white-dominate society. Bleaching her skin “is just the continuation of the falsification of self that comes with being Black in America,” she says.
Yeah, OK girl.
She even compares whitening her skin to plastic surgery and hair weave.
“What’s the difference between getting your nose done and changing your skin color? What’s the difference between getting a hair weave and changing your skin color? Nobody was upset when I was wearing 30-inch weaves and tearing out my edges. You guys loved it, but what is the difference? I don’t understand what difference is, because there really isn’t a difference.”
People were shocked when Banks appeared on Periscope with noticeably lighter skin a few months ago. Banks has been extremely vocal about thoughts on race in America. She has been a champion for black people to overcome the obstacles stacked against the community and has also talked about colorism.
RELATED: Azealia Banks is Bleaching Her Skin, and Oh My God It Looks Horrendous
Though she argues bleaching her skin does not negate her past statements regarding blackness, it seems like a slap in the face to me. She seemed proud of her milk chocolate skin for the longest time. Then all of sudden, she wants to pass the “paper bag test” in the hopes being accepted and becoming more successful.
Between this, her never-ending Twitter beefs, and homophobic statements, Banks is too much for me to handle. Her and Rachel Dolezal can both sit down somewhere and have an intellectual discussion about blackness for all I’m concerned.