When the guy who hates your guts the most shows up at your job drunk as hell and everything goes wrong…
This recently happened to an employee at McDonald’s and it was all captured on camera.
The drunk guy seemed to be mad over a woman that the employee is currently with. A woman who “will never stop loving [him],” apparently.
“You love a bitch that will never stop loving me!” the clearly inebriated man, with a half-drunk bottle of Patrón tequila in his hand, shouts at the McDonald’s employee before eventually hopping over the counter (TWICE!) and disrupting other customers who are just trying to order some (not so) “FAST” food.
At one point, Patrón man takes his shirt off and hilariously humps the counter. Police eventually show up and escort him out. Just another day at Mickey D’s.
Peep the footage below: