Chris Brown has a history of abusing women, fighting men, and cursing out his detractors with the use of various slurs spanning gender and sexuality. And now, he just wants to usher us into a new era of peace.
The singer took to his Twitter account — where much of the aforementioned poor behavior took place — to announce this, and surprise, surprise, it coincides with a new single.
Chris tweeted:
The new single is apart of my “UNITY CAMPAIGN” which encourages all races, genders, sexes, (everyone) gay or straight to love each other!
— Chris Brown (@chrisbrown) June 13, 2013
You know what? Since so many of his ball massagers like to go on and on (and then on some more) about how hard the media is on him, I’ll just say: Good luck with that, sir. May the spirit consume you. It sure could use the boost.