Jessica Alba wants people to know that her new book “The Honest Life,” is nothing like the eye-rolling advice “GOOP” that Gwyneth Paltrow dishes out in her book.

The actress claims that unlike Gwynnie’s “It’s All Good,” her musings on eco-friendly living is geared more towards people who can’t afford to spend a bunch of money on low-carb, gluten-free food, or assistants, or weekly visits from personal trainers, or a $450,000 wardrobe … which is pretty much everyone.

Gwyneth Paltrow probably lives a very similar lifestyle,” Alba told NY Daily News, “but I didn’t grow up with a bunch of money, so my tips are much more grounded: Repurposing things and making things at home.”

Jessica, who developed The Honest Company, which sells eco-friendly products for children and families, added that her book comes on a mother-to-mother level, and is an honest depiction of how she lives her life without throwing in any references to her celebrity lifestyle.

She said: “I absolutely do these things. That’s why I wrote the book … There’s lots of options, like delivery services for fresh produce that is organic, if people just want to do a couple of things in the book that are super-easy. You can take what you want from it.”

Nevermind. She sounds just like GOOPY.

At least her kids aren’t hungry though.

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