If you’re looking to get information about Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson‘s relationship status, you’re not going to get it from Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson anytime soon … because they ain’t talking!
Kristen Stewart appeared on “The Today Show” Wednesday morning (Nov 7) to talk about the new “Twilight” movie “Breaking Dawn Part 2.” The interview started out with questions about the movie, the evolution of Stewart’s character Bella, what it’s like playing her as a vampire and other boring topics.
Then host Savannah Guthrie asked K-Stew straight-up: “Are you back together with Robert Pattinson?” to which the actress coyly responded:
“Funny you should mention that. I’m just gonna let people watch whatever little movie they think our lives are … and keep ’em guessing, I always say.”
And what movie would that be, exactly?
The one where you cheat on your boyfriend with a much older (married) man, you release a public statement admitting to it, then you guys reconcile and promote a big budget Hollywood film project like nothing ever happened? That one? Because that movie is so damn interesting. When does the sequel come out?
Anyhow, Robert Pattinson strolled into the “Today” show the next day … and do you think Savannah Guthrie really let him get through an entire interview without asking him about Kristen Stewart? Hellz no.
“Yesterday, I had asked Kristen if you and she had gotten back together,” Guthrie said to Pattinson, who pretended as if he had no idea Kristen had even done an interview just the day before. “What did she say?” he asked.
“Keep ’em guessing” Guthrie said. “Keep ’em guessing?” Pattinson asked. “Keep who guessing?”
Them, Edward. THEM! Geez.
But without really answering the question, or even acknowledging it for that matter, Pattinson immediately flipped the script, and asked Guthrie, “What I want to know … because we get asked it all the time … is who is actually asking? Is it in your contract?”
“Yes, it’s in the fine print,” Guthrie joked, accepting that her second attempt at getting information straight from the horse’s mouth failed.
“Does it get annoying?” she asked. “Is it a high price to pay? You’ve gotten these films, it’s made you incredibly famous, there’s been so much good with it — but it is personal now.”
“It doesn’t have to be. It only gets personal if you answer it,” Rob replied, as he burst into laughter. “I could just sit here and talk nonsense about…getting old, needing a nap.”
So there you have it folks. Rob would rather talk about “nonsense,” — like how how his R-Pattz nickname sounds like an antacid — than reveal intimate details about his relationship with Kristen. And Kristen would rather just “keep ’em guessing.”
We get it. There’s absolutely no need in anyone else wasting their breath and asking either of them about each other anymore from now on.
Guess we’ll just have to make due with those eloquent quotes from all of those well-informed “sources” that all the weekly tabloids are such good friends with.