Apparently, Lady Gaga pees in trash cans. And why does Lady Gaga pee in trash cans?
Because she doesn’t have time to pee in real toilets, duh!
No, really. Apparently it is sometimes a real hassle for her to use a real toilet once she’s put on one of her crazy costumes. So instead of going through the “trouble” of walking down the hall to use the toilet, Gaga conviently pops a squat over a nearby trashcan.
In a recent interview with TV personality Alan Carr, the strange Pop star said:
“I do quite often pee in the dressing room, in the trash can. It would have been an interesting photo today because I had a big pink bow on, and I was over the trash can. The bathroom is down the hall, and I was naked. It was just me, my bow and my nakedness. Me and my dustbin have a very important relationship.”
And that was your Lady Gaga time-saving tip of the day!
Kinda gross, but … it’s Lady Gaga. You should be used to this by now.
In addition to peeing in crash can, Lady Gaga also likes to wear bright pink sperm hats. Check out some photos of her leaving her hotel in London last Wednesday (Nov 16) wearing one below: