Homeless 52-year-old Tracy Edwards, who back in 1991 famously assisted with the capture and arrest of notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer after breaking free from him and leading police to his apartment, was arrested this past Tuesday after a fight that led to a man falling and dying in the Milwaukee River.
Milwaukee Police say that Edwards and two other homeless men, who were involved in the argument, were near the river’s bridge when it happened. After the man fell into the river, the second homeless man leaped off of the bridge and tried to save him.
Reuters.com reports:
Twenty years ago this month, Milwaukee police found Edwards, half naked and partially handcuffed, in the street near Dahmer’s apartment. Edwards told police he had just escaped Dahmer’s apartment and led them back there.
Police arrested Dahmer that evening after finding body parts in his refrigerator and human remains throughout his apartment.
Dahmer, who is believed to have raped, killed and dismembered as many as 17 boys and men, often having sex with their remains before eating them, was later convicted of 15 murders. He died in prison after a fellow inmate beat him with a broomstick in 1994.
Edwards, according to court records, has had several run-ins with the law involving drugs over the years.
The Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office is currently reviewing the evidence to possibly charge Edwards with homicide charges.
According to court records, Edwards has had several run-ins with the law involving drugs over the years. So we guess it’s safe to say that the whole Jeffrey Dahmer thing pretty much scarred him for life, don’t you think?