Well, it seems there will always be some controversy with Mr. West.
Not only has he come under fire recently for allegedly stealing aspects of his new “All of the Lights” video from someone else’s work (like like his label-mate Rihanna did) …. but according to new reports, “All of the Lights” has waaaaayyyy too many lights.
In fact, one group says that the video has so many flashing lights that it can potentially cause seizures! (How’s that for insult to injury?)
Epilepsy Action, an epilepsy watch group based in the UK, sent Kanye’s video to be analyzed and found that the rate at which the lights flash may trigger seizures, prompting the group to seek a ban on the video. Epilepsy Action comments:
“This video is available online in a number of places. We are in the process of trying to contact Kanye West’s agent, YouTube and other online sources of the video to ask that they take it down. We have also contacted MTV and other TV stations to make them aware of the issue.”
In addition, the video will soon be completely banned in the United Kingdom and has already been pulled from YouTube.com.
We’re sorry, Kanye. We gon’ let you finish, but they say your video is causing massive activity in the brain, THE WHOLE BRAIN!