Aaron Carter is the newest celebrity to enter rehab…
The 23 year-old’s manager Johnny Wright has revealed that he is getting help with emotional and spiritual issues. Check out Wright’s official statement below.
“Several months ago Aaron came to me to help him return to music and to restart his career. He has been in Orlando working on a new album and perfecting his live show and his physical body. Aaron, understanding the challenges and hard work it would take to get himself back to the top, requested to take some time before we started to heal some emotional and spiritual issues he was dealing with. Therefore he has chosen to enter a facility where he feels he will get the guidance and cleansing he needs that will help him on the music journey he’s about to take. He asks that everyone keep him in their prayers and that they respect his privacy at this time.”
It is also being reported that Aaron checked himself in to treat addiction issues as well. We will keep you posted on anything else we hear related to the matter.
Hopefully he can work everything out…