Kanye West and the paparazzi just CANNOT get along!

A photographer claims that the rapper and his security team beat him up 3 years ago at a party on the East Side of Manhattan, New York City, and now he is looking to sue.

Look below for the details:

44-year-old Michael Vazquez says he was working at the May 14th 2008 event, which was a party to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Casio’s G-Shock watch. The suit says that at some point during the night, West (who was reportedly paid $1 million dollars to perform at the gig), along with “his agents, servants and/or employees acting in the course and within the scope of their employment, detained and/or threatened and/or caused plaintiff to suffer injuries.”

“The assault and battery was committed by defendant, Kanye West, [his] agents, servants and/or employees, with malice” and caused Vazquez, 44, “physical, mental and emotional illness,” the also suit says.

Police confirmed that Vazquez filed a report in the hours following the incident, claiming that his camera and cell phone were both taken by either staff at the venue or West’s security detail, and that he had also suffered a dislocated shoulder and cuts/bruises to his face in the scuffle. Kanye wasn’t named as one of the attackers in the official police report, and officials closed the case after determining that the complaint was unfounded.

Michael Vazquez is now seeking an unspecified amount of money for his alleged pain and suffering.

Should be pretty interesting to see how this all plays out, and if this really went down the way that Vazquez guy says it did!

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