MTV recently sat down with a few of our favorite stars and asked them their New Year resolutions. Peep what they had to say below and when you continue reading…
Trey Songz:
“My New Year’s resolution is to stay true to myself. Regardless of what anybody says, I’ll never let anybody else’s thoughts dictate that of my own.”
Nicki Minaj:
“[I’ll be] touring around the world. It’s looking like the biggest, baddest, I don’t know … I should’ve had something better to say. [I’m going to be the] biggest, baddest, boldest, booming-est, fearless-ocity-est, Pink Friday-est, girl.”
Avril Lavigne:
“Be healthy, focus hard, make sure to see [my] family.”
The Situation from “Jersey Shore:”
“[I might be] doing maybe a movie or something.”
Some resolutions appear to be more realistic than others…