Brandy and her younger brother Ray J premiered their brand new reality show “Brandy and Ray J: A Family Business” yesterday on VH1. And on the eve of the show’s big debut, Brandy chit chatted with the good people over at to discuss her rap alter ego Bran’Nu, her new love interest Flo’Rida, being a better friend to Kelly Rowland, what her relationship is like with her former friend Kim Kardashian and more. Peep a few excerpts from the interview below:

Ray J was once referred to as ‘Brandy’s little brother.’ In the past he was in your shadow. Have the tables turned?
“Have the tables turned? I don’t think that. I think that Ray just found his own way. He found what he loves to do and I’m so proud of him. It’s so funny because when he was known as my little brother, I couldn’t really enjoy my success because I wanted him to have it. So for him to have it – to come out of the shadow and have his own name and have his own thing going on… it makes me proud. I’m just glad that he even wanted to do a reality show with me and our family. He could do For The Love of Ray J 3. I was excited when he came to us about Family Business. Although very hesitant and scared about it, I thought that was cool that he thought of that.”

Did you support Ray J doing For the Love of Ray J?
“I just don’t think that you can’t find love that way. I never thought that. I wasn’t supportive in that, ‘oh yeah this is it, you’re going to find the love of your life.’ But I told him, ‘you’re not going to find love like that. If you’re looking for love, that’s the wrong way to go about it.”

What’s going on in your love life?
“Honestly, I’m just trying to stay loving myself. I’m really scared to give my heart to somebody. I have friends but I’m not serious with anybody yet.”

It’s been said that you’re dating Flo’rida. Is that true?
“I don’t want to say it’s not true. He’s definitely someone in my life that I hang out with from time to time. I think he’s cute and all that. I’m in a place where I just want to make sure I’m right before I get serious with anybody. But I definitely have my eye on Flo’rida.”

We see you and Kelly Rowland together a lot. Are you good friends?
“Kelly’s my best friend. We are born on the same day. I love her, she’s amazing. Kelly and I were friends back in the day and we then separated and went our own way. She’s the friend that I prayed for and said, ‘Please God, give me another chance with her.’ She’s just a great friend. And God did. We are back in each others lives. I love being around her. I call her my twin. It’s a very special relationship and I just don’t want to ever lose her again.”

You and Kim Kardashian were friends also. Were you there for Kim during the sex tape scandal?
“It’s not that I didn’t want to be there. It’s one of those things where that person has to call on you for support and that didn’t happen because they were dealing with their own thing individually. [Ray J] just did his own thing to get over it and she did the same thing.”

Are you and Kim K still friends?
“I still have a lot of love for Kim to this day. If Kim ever needed me for anything, I would be right there for her. She was a very close friend of mine. You know people fall apart and sometimes that happens. But she’s another one that if she ever needed me I would definitely be there. Once you care about somebody – once you love somebody, you’re not just going to think about them no more. It’s very difficult. I’m open to forgiveness and moving passed stuff.”

Who is Bran’ Nu?
“Bran’Nu is the boy version of me. It’s a hobby. Rapping is a hobby for me. It’s another way to express myself, creatively. Timbaland heard about it and wanted to feature me on his new album, which I was really excited about because I never thought I’d do it professionally. I like becoming that side of myself. It’s kind of tough, it’s kind of bitchy. I love that because I’m not that on a normal basis. I’m a cry baby. The other side of me is raw and like, “you got something to say to me? You got something to say to me? Say it to my face.” That’s who Bran’Nu is, not Brandy.”


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