Not only have Wrigley and Got Milk? stopped payment on all of Chris Brown‘s checks from their respective endorsement deals, but now the R&B singer has to suffer the rath of free public radio! A Cleveland area radio station reportedly pulled the R&B singer’s music from their daily rotation schedules, which prompted a good number of countries across the country to follow suit.
A Cleveland-area radio station has stopped playing music by singer Chris Brown, who was arrested after an alleged domestic dispute. Radio host Java Joel of 96.5 WAKS-FM said he stopped airing the songs on Monday when outraged listeners called to criticize Brown, according to a posting Tuesday on the station’s Web site.
WAKS program director Bo Matthews said he decided to keep Brown’s music off the air until the allegations are resolved. He said the station enjoys the tunes and won’t ban them forever.
Isn’t it a little soon to be snatching people’s endorsement deals and pulling tracks off the radio? WE DO NOT HAVE THE FULL STORY, PEOPLE!!