Dr. Jan Adams, the now infamous doctor who performed a botch plastic surgery operation on Kanye West’s mother, who was laid to rest yesterday in Oklahoma City, went on Larry King Live last night to discuss all of the accusations and allegations brought against him in the wake of Dr. Donda West’s untimely death. But minutes into the interview, Dr. Adams brought it to Larry King’s attention that he was respecting the family’s wishes by not speaking at this time. How professional! =)
“I want to thank you for this opportunity,” Adams told King. “Basically, I had come here to talk about things in the press that aren’t accurate about me. … But I have a tremendous amount of love and respect for the West family. They asked me not to go on. And I’ve said from the very beginning, I don’t have a side in this. … They are my side, and I’m going to respect their wishes. I’m going to apologize to you because I think I’m taking up your airtime, but I will not be on the show and I will not discuss any of that. I’m going to honor their wishes.”
A confused King then asked, “Will you ever answer questions … Where does this go?” Adams responded, “I will talk with them. When they’re comfortable, then I’ll be comfortable. If they’re never comfortable, then I’ll never be comfortable. They are what’s important to me.”
Trying to salvage the interview, King then prefaced his next question by saying it wasn’t about the family and asking, “Don’t you want to speak out?”
Removing his earpiece, Adams said simply, “No … I do not,” and then walked off the set. “The whole night was crazy,” King said this morning on CNN, noting that Adams’ plane was delayed and he was late for the taping to begin with. Once the doctor had arrived, King was told that Adams was speaking to his lawyers in the green room and was not sure if he was going to come on camera or not, even as the taping had already begun with a panel of experts discussing the case while King awaited his guest’s arrival.