Millions of people watched Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s royal wedding on TV and online.

After the fairytale wedding came the Royal Wedding dress debate, with fans and pop culture/political analysts discussing who had the best wedding dress between the Duchess of Sussex (Meghan) and her new sister-in-law, the Duchess of Cambridge (Kate Middleton).

Political dummy” Katie Hopkins weighed in on the debate, saying that it was “no competition,” because, in her opinion, Kate had a certain level of “class” that Meghan doesn’t possess, which wasn’t a surprising comment coming from someone like Katie Hopkins, who has no problem letting people know her distaste for people of color.

A bit of a backstory before we move forward with the hilarious memes: Katie Hopkins is a far-right commentator from the United Kingdom who has said a number of vile things against brown people, including calling someone a “jiggaboo” on Twitter and implying that immigrants should be shot if they try to enter the U.K.

So when Katie—an old, dried up crustacean—came for the insanely beautiful Princess Meghan, Twitter used a bunch of hilarious memes putting the 43-year-old beside folks who are OLDER and prettier than her to let her know she looks terrible for her age, or, as someone put it, she’s “43 going on 93.”

In other words, how the hell are you gonna come for someone’s looks when you’re aging like an avocado?

Also, this is what happens when you’re ugly on the inside:

And y’all… Lemme tell you… the juxtapositions were some of the funniest stuff I’ve ever witnessed on social media, and I’ve been doing this internet thing for a WHILE now.

Take a look at some of my favorites below:

In the words of every black grandma that ever lived, “God don’t like ugly.”

Maybe in the future, Katie Hopkins will think before she speaks. But, who the are we kidding? She’s going to keep spewing foul hateful things from that hole in her face and Twitter is just going to keep dragging her for filth, as they should.

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