After starting the season off with a bang, the sixth season of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is going out with a whimper.
The reunion shows are usually a great place for incredible conflict or meaningful healing. Sadly, part 2 of the reunion special features attempts at both, but neither really land.
First up, we’re faced with the fury and wrath of Joseline Hernandez as she speaks to Stevie J outside of the studio set. Joseline, the self-proclaimed Puerto Rican Princess, is beyond pissed because she only wants to speak and sit with Stevie J, Melissa and Jessica Dime. The rest of them hoes can kick rocks, according to Joseline.
“I am motherf**kin’ Love & Hip Hop. Do you know who the f**k I is? I’m the Puerto Rican Princess. It’s gonna take God to come down here and slow me down,” said Joseline.
Honestly, maybe if this were a few years ago, but today in 2017, Joseline Hernandez quitting LHHA is no big deal. Her hatred for production comes across plainly and her refusal to compromise and grow, limits her true potential. Good luck with that movie career you think you have though, Joseline.
Tommie Goes Up Against KK
One of the better scenes in this season of LHHA were the bits that covered Tommie and her mother’s broken relationship and the heartache that comes with trying to mend broken family ties. Tommie’s bitterness and resentment toward her mother was reminiscent of an episode of Iyanla’s Fix My Life. Especially when we saw that breakthrough between Tommie and her mother at the end of the season in the therapist’s office.
Unfortunately, the two must have backslid because Tommie’s mother DID NOT show up at the reunion and Tommie lost it when the producers merely played back a montage of her appearances and commentary on the show.
As if Tommie’s heart wasn’t already in knots, the LHHATL producers then turn to Tommie’s ALMOST mother-in-law, KK, who appears via Skype to flame Tommie alive.
At the sight of Tommie’s emotional breakdown and hurt, KK labels Tommie as a liar and an actress. That causes Tommie to bare her teeth and bark at KK.
“KK, how much can I say about you, dog? You supposed to be my old head,” said Tommie with tears in her eyes. “You know I love trouble. I’m a fan of trouble, bitch!”
KK might be a grandma but her inner gangsta game remains strong. She brushes off Tommie’s tough talk and promptly demands an apology from Tommie for the disparaging remarks Tommie made about her on social media.
“The Momma Dee scene at Momma Dee’s house, Tommie texted me the same night, talking bout she’s gonna kill my dog, cut my dog into pieces, pour my dog on my grave and piss on me,” said KK. At first, KK ignored Tommie but after ignoring her, Tommie lashed out at KK on Instagram.
“I ain’t never asked the bitch to thank me before, but the bitch need to thank me cause she don’t appreciate me!” said KK.
The Other Shit That Happened That You Probably Don’t Care About
Besides Joseline quitting and KK and Tommie’s war of words, we saw Ariane and Melissa get into it. Supposedly they were lovers at one point, but Ariane considers Melissa to be opportunistic and Melissa consider Ariane to be a Bitter Betty who wants another go-round with her strap-on.
I wish I could muster up a single fuck to give about this dry-ass, lesbian drama, but I can’t.
Stevie’s Joseline replacement, Estelita Quintero was trotted out like the show pony she is. She basically rolled over and bared her belly to Karlie as she apologized for calling her old at her launch party while Karlie refused to apologize to Estelita for flipping a damn tray on vegetables on her. Estelita, girl, you let Karlie play you like that?
Scrappy Dappy Doo played the heartbroken homeboy for a bit as they ran footage of him and Bambi’s failed relationship counseling. Even Momma Dee admitted that Bambi was a good person but Scrappy has come to realize that just because you love somebody, doesn’t mean that your relationship will be successful.
“What I know, just cause y’all love each other doesn’t mean y’all meant to be together,” said Scrappy, as if he came up with something uniquely profound.
If Scrappy don’t take that fortune cookie-ass wisdom on somewhere else….
I’m gonna need Lil’ Scrappy to step his storyline up next season if he plans on sticking around. Because moping over Bambi ain’t it. He’s gonna need to get himself a trashy baby mama, a scandalous new stripper bae, a hit record (that’s asking for a lot), hell, we’ll even take a Twitter beef at this point. Anything that will actually get our blood racing and pulse running.
Momma Dee is more television-worthy than Scrappy at this point. In fact, her music is probably charting higher than his too.