2016 has been a particularly contentious year. With the elections, political debates, social and racial issues, Bill Murray or Tom Hanks, and shiny vs. painted legs, many arguments have taken place online. Enemies were made, friends were lost, and we’re still no closer to solving most of these important issues.

Well, it looks like we have at least one more sneaking in before the end of the year. How would a giraffe wear a necktie?

It appears the question has been posited by Jeremy Hammond via Twitter, and it has since sparked a back and forth across the nation with people busting out evidence (and great Paint art) to back their points.



The importance of this extends far beyond just giraffes. This decision will likely end up affecting ostriches, gazelles, and (should Jurassic World ever decide to get classy) certain dinosaurs.

So, we as a nation must decide, where the hell does the tie go?

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