Kim Kardashian was on hand to support her boyfriend Kanye West Wednesday night (May 23) in Cannes, France at the 65th Annual Cannes Film Festival, where the rapper premiered his new movie “Cruel Summer.”
The G.O.O.D. Music film, produced, written and directed by Kanye, stars Kid Cudi, Aziz Ansari and others; and centers around a car thief (Kid Cudi) who falls for a beautiful, blind Arabic girl and attempts to help her see again.
Dressed in matching, color-coordinating outfits — something they always do, apparently — Kim and Kanye held each other closely as they posed for pictures on the red carpet outside the movie premiere.
Kanye’s “big bro” Jay-Z was also on hand at the event, and took some pictures with Kim and Kanye.
Check out the pics below: