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Tag: political gaffes

Is This Your King?! Chadwick Boseman Confused Elijah Cummings for John Lewis in Social Media Tribute

The man who played Black Panther somehow couldn't figure out which pictures were of Congressman Elijah Cummings, who just died, or Congressman John Lewis, who's still very much alive.

N.C. Republican Senator Apologizes for Joke About Shooting Hillary Clinton

During a visit to a gun shop, Burr came across an issue of the NRA-backed magazine Rifleman with a picture of Hillary Clinton and joked about how she should be shot. Now he's apologizing.

SC Governor Nikki Haley Tweets That Her State Will “No Longer Educate Children”

"South Carolina made history this year by passing education reform. We will no longer educate children..." read a shocking tweet from the state's governor,...

Joe Biden Warns that Mitt Romney Wants to Put Black People “Back in Chains”

Oh, Joe. You've done it again. It's no secret that Vice President Joe Biden is known for making, shall we say, "colorful" remarks in public. The...

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