Tokyo Diva, residing in NYC, is a young lady who is not only a talented artist and trendsetter, starting an underground movement called The Juice Krew (based in NY and outside areas), but she is also a MySpace Guru receiving more than 1,000 music plays a day on MySpace. Tokyo was also the first unsigned artist to perform on MTV‘s TRL and she created the theme song Bad Girls for the hit TV show on Oxygen, Bad Girls Club. Thanks Christine for the info!!
Jason Derulo is unbelievably talented: he is a singer-songwriter, choreographer, and actor; and he is just under 21! He has a single called Cyber Love featuring rapper Mims that is sure to be a radio hit out right now!! Make sure to peep game on his MySpace as well.
Verse is truly one of a kind with her “in your face” sexuality and multi-racial background, the “daddy’s girl” is well on her way already creating a name for herself over the net! I love her new single Shopoholic becos it relates to everyone, I mean who isn’t a “Shopoholic”? Lol. I also love Swaggeriffic becos it’s enticing and catchy! Make sure you peep game on her MySpace
Unique is a name that is often misused but the actually person tied to the name speaks volumes with it! He is like a modern day Michael Jackson, not just in his music, but also in his looks with his little baby hair, lol! I love his new song Hooked! Make sure you peep game on his MySpace