President Barack Obama hosted an MTV townhall forum called “A Conversation with President Obama” yesterday afternoon (Thurs. Oct 14) in Washington, D.C. The president fielded questions from young adults on the show, which aired live on Viacom/MTV Network‘s music channels: MTV, BET, mtvU, Centric, mtv Tr3s and CMT, in addition to their websites.
“Regardless of who you vote for, regardless if you found anything I said persuasive, I need you to vote on November 2,” President Obama said. “One of the things that happened in the last election is that young people got involved in ways that they had never gotten involved in before and that has to sustain itself, that has to maintain itself. Because the only way we’re gonna solve these problems is if everyone is seriously engaged. I hope that all of you stay inspired. Don’t just look to some elected official for that inspiration. Look to each other, look to yourselves.” (Source)
Check out a few pics below of President Obama, MTV’s Sway Calloway, BET’s April Woodard and CMT’s Katie Cook at the townhall meeting!