The race is getting tighter and tighter with results from “Super Tuesday” still flowing in. So far, Sen. Barack Obama has taken the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, and Utah, bringing his total win (for Super Tuesday) to 10. And Sen. Hillary Clinton has won the following states: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Massachusetts, New York, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, bringing her Super Tuesday total win to only 7. But results are still coming in, and technically, Hillary Clinton is still winning (overall in the race), since she has the most delegate votes. So far she has 825 del. votes, while Barack only has 732. Only time will tell who’ll have the most delegate votes after every state who participated in Super Tuesday reports 100%.
GOSSIPONTHIS.COM Politics Super Tuesday: Obama Wins Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota,...