Actress Jodie Foster may be a little bit more gangster than we thought!
The Oscar winning actress is being accused of assaulting a teenage paparazzo after he snapped photos of her at the Los Angeles Shopping Center in Hollywood. According to the 17-year-old boy’s father, Foster became somewhat enraged after his son went over and took a fan photo.
“My son was at The Grove with his girlfriend and they were going to see a movie. He saw Jodie Foster and is a big fan so went over and took a picture of her. She came after him, poked him in the chest and said, ‘Do you even have a mother you slime ball?’”
However Foster’s rep has a very different side of the story and is claiming that the guy is a full working paparazzi professional!
“The police report is his side of the story. The guy was a professional photographer with a camera bag and a large lens. He followed Jodie and her two sons from the cinema in The Grove to the valet parking area. He crowded her and her two sons and took pictures the whole time. Jodie told him to stop but he did not do so.”
No charges have been made yet however police are investigating the situation.