News of Solange shaving her head has spread through the online world like wildfire and naturally, some have only had negative things to say about it and Thursday (Jul 23), she became the #3 trending topic on Twitter, directly before the Iran Election.
Solange, who has never kept herself from speaking her mind took to her Twitter to express her frustration and disappointment. After the rant (even though she says it’s not a rant because she is about to enjoy Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles with her son), she posted a video of her singing her song “F*ck the Industry” live. Follow the break to read her messages and to watch the video!
listen. if. i. wanted. to. make. a. statement. i. would. have. twitpic’d. photo shoot. ect. i. was. simply. taking. my. son. to. school.
stupid. paps. took. pic. ive. had. my. hair. cut. like. this. for. two. weeks. i. was. NOT. inspired. by anyone. but. my. self.
i. have. done. this. twice. in. my. life. i. was 16. i was 18. did. not care about your opinion. then. dont. care. now.
dont. need. your. attention. or. your. co-sign. i am #3. trending topic. before. IRAN. &. some of you cant even locate it on a map. its sad.
dont. want. a. edge. up. or a perm. because. im not trying. to make this “a style” or a statem
i. just. wanted. to. be. free. from. the. bondage. that. black. women sometimes. put. on. themselves. with. hair.
this. phase. of. my. life. i. want to spend . the time. the energy. and the money. on something else. not in the hair salon.
im. not. mad. at . all of you. that have made your opinions known. and have sent negative. energy. my way. i expected this of you.
you. have. the right to have. an opinion.
ONLY reason i responded to this i have is because i was disappointed to see my name more talked about then #iranelection
we. gotta. do. better. people
“im no soul girl quipped with no afro, im just my god given name”
See, this is why we fux with Solange! She is her own person and always speaks her mind!