While shopping in the West Village, Rihanna was none too pleased with the throngs of people blocking her way. So she flatly said, “Back it the f**k back.”
I don’t like the way Splash News and select blogs are framing this video. They make it seem as if Rihanna is disrespecting her fans, even though it’s clear if you look at the actual footage that a bunch of grown men hovering over her with expensive cameras in search of the money shot wouldn’t necessarily classify as “fans.”
Her fans are the folks behind those guys, who not surprisingly, are blocking them from getting close to Rihanna.
Yes, Rihanna can be a shade queen and seem rude as hell as sometimes. I mean, the same can be said of many top notch divas — real or envisioned in their own damn minds. Hell, I’ll tell you to back it the f**k up back if the moment calls for such declarations. So leave me girl alone in this instance. Don’t try to make her look like a b**ch because she didn’t want to entertain about a camera-wielding parasites that day.
P.S. Hey, Navy. I’m body rolling to “Rude Boy.” Won’t ya join me?