During this year’s Grammy Awards, Lady Gaga made quite the entrance arriving on the red carpet in a giant “egg” vessel. And apparently she enjoyed the contraption so much that she’s having one installed in her NYC condo!
Gaga’s reportedly spending a few million dollars to renovate her Big Apple pad, and wants to have an egg at home to sleep in. What ever happened to wanting a cozy bed?
An insider states:
“This house project is Gaga’s new baby. The egg vessel is being made especially for her. She’ll be able to sleep in it, in place of a double bed. She felt so a home in the egg on stage – she spent hours in it meditating and says when she’s in it she feels at peace.”
Gaga is known to be quite the cuckoo so it’s only right that she’d want to rest her head inside a giant egg. What crazy bird wouldn’t?