Surprise, in Trump’s America some white people are getting butthurt over Netflix’s new series Dear White People. The show, based off of the movie of the same name, is the latest original series to come to the streaming service, and apparently, a lot of (white) people aren’t too happy about it.
Today, #BoycottNetflix started trending on Twitter when a large number of tweets like these began to flood the internet.
(Warning: A lot of dumb a** ignorant comments to follow.)
#BoycottNetflix Liberal corporations dont need our money or they would keep their mouths shut!
— ??Angel Fox?#FreeAssange (@AngelFoxToday71) February 10, 2017
Can stupid fucks stop making shit like Dear White People on Netflix? You're hurting ratings for Stranger Things with #BoycottNetflix
— LEGION (@TheRobDyke) February 9, 2017
#BoycottNetflix @Netflix = cancelled. Here is the sorry tard behind this new #DearWhitePeople race-baiting show. pic.twitter.com/MNVgryLqgh
— Fil M. (@FiletsMignon) February 9, 2017
I could keep going, and going, and going. There’s a reason this is trending. Just head over to to the #BoycottNetflix page on Twitter to see for yourself.
Luckily, not everyone is rabble, rabble, rabble-ing on Twitter right now. In fact, a lot of people, myself included, are finding this hilarious and helping to keep the trend going for just that reason.
The same people who call liberals snowflakes started #BoycottNetflix because of "Dear White People." Oh the irony. pic.twitter.com/zLTwVRRJuU
— Brittany Yvonne (@bitty_boop) February 8, 2017
Now MAGA started #BoycottNetflix because of Dear White People? pic.twitter.com/ZqKR0zw6Md
— Maya (@1979original) February 8, 2017
The idiots doing #boycottnetflix for Dear White People know they will re-up when Stranger Things come back for Season 2. Get the fuck out!
— Chad Taylor (@brakfoolus_bill) February 8, 2017
Pretty sure everyone who says they're gonna #BoycottNetflix is prob still on their moms acct
— frances louise (@frankiegreek) February 8, 2017
Wow #BoycottNetflix people, you got the hashtag spelled right. Good for you! And thanks to you I'll be watching Dear White People. Smooches!
— Deneph (@Deneph1) February 8, 2017
Right: Muslim Ban!
Netflix: "Dear White People"
Right: #boycottnetflix because they play identity politics!— JoshuaDoerksen (@JoshuaDoerksen) February 8, 2017
"Them there liberals done made a picture show called #DearWhitePeople? Call up the boys! It's time to #boycottnetflix." pic.twitter.com/qyRP7iXfGG
— lauren warren (@iamlaurenp) February 8, 2017
And while no company likes to lose customers, I don’t see Netflix, which had a revenue of $8.83 Billion dollars last year, pulling this series over a some MAGA-loving unsubscribers.
But ultimately, the fact that this is even a thing is ridiculous. I think @OnceASheeple put it best.