Black Twitter was on fire last night (Jan. 5) and is was all thanks to a typo by a Yahoo Finance employee.
Yahoo Finance covered a story on President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to expand the U.S. Navy. The story was shared on the news site’s Twitter account, only who ever composed the tweet did not type the word “bigger” as (hopefully) intended and wrote something entirely different.
Here's the original Yahoo Finance navy post in case you missed it : pic.twitter.com/fmrkLvPTkA
— Lord Pretty Flacko Jogi (@atishjogi) January 6, 2017
Now, Black Twitter could have responded to this in two ways: Blast the news site for blatant racism and carelessness or humor. The later was chosen and, man, did Black Twitter come with the jokes. Twitter users created a “Black Navy” complete with battleship names, uniforms, recruitment ads, playlists, and more.
Reporting for the Trump #NiggerNavy pic.twitter.com/7AEexIrPCA
— ??????? ????? ????? (@thicc_loopin) January 6, 2017
#NiggerNavy Special Ops pic.twitter.com/OWAWVzZPe3
— Cue A. Jay (@misterj006) January 6, 2017
When the #NiggerNavy ask you for gas money to take you across the Atlantic Ocean pic.twitter.com/0r5723OJeO
— Tragic Johnson (@2Peas_InAShad) January 6, 2017
#NiggerNavy gone get pulled over 100 times on their way to war
“What are you doing in this part of the ocean?!”
— Wholesome Faithful Black Queen ?? (@A_Pretty_ChemE) January 6, 2017
#niggernavy gonna tell the Commander
"Yo we round the corner"
And still be on the dock.
— Box Fan On High All Year Round (@TerrellChuggs) January 6, 2017
#NiggerNavy most definitely sailing over the Specific Ocean
— StrawberryLemonadePapí (@MichaelHJordan) January 6, 2017
Trump : "We have to stop North Korea"#NiggerNavy : "Shiid who the fuck is we?"
— Jay Squidz ??? (@SQUlDZ) January 6, 2017
The battleship after income tax season #NiggerNavy pic.twitter.com/kWKce1jAh7
— WhenPigsFly (@KnuckDuh) January 6, 2017
#NiggerNavy Enlistment party pic.twitter.com/mCcR7KacrZ
— ?? Faithful Black Man ??? (@Bruce_Cares) January 6, 2017
Nah, girl. I am NOT about to get my hair wet during basic training! #NiggerNavy pic.twitter.com/duvduQrJLE
— ™?Marcus (@TheMisterMarcus) January 6, 2017
When the #NiggerNavy calls in air support pic.twitter.com/RpPa6n1BUQ
— ALL-Matt is HERE!!! (@_MatthewBoomin_) January 6, 2017
You was just another country on the hit list #NiggerNavy pic.twitter.com/KcsFUgUG90
— Nikon Papi ?? (@_______manny) January 6, 2017
As “Black Twitter” became a trending topic, of course some white Twitter users tried to take away all the fun by somehow calling the social media sub-group racist. Or they tried to join in. Black Twitter was having none of it though.
Let's be honest. There are only two Twitters. There is Black Twitter. And there are racist twitter trolls who harass Black twitter
— Tariq Nasheed (@tariqnasheed) January 6, 2017
Sooo.. black Twitter is racist bc they took a racist term created by white people & turned it into a joke??? pic.twitter.com/GjLoEGHu4r
— demi (@gahhdamn123) January 6, 2017
You not being able to understand Black Twitter or not being able to say the N word does not make you oppressed. Dummy.
— BeyPhiBey Basileus? (@AlyssaLaBella) January 6, 2017
The people who defend all-white country clubs because "it's a private organization" are the same people who'd say Black Twitter is racist.
— Wheelchair Jerry (@BostonJerry) January 6, 2017
It actually only made Black Twitter embrace itself even more.
Black Twitter when we unite pic.twitter.com/UTpwWtE72E
— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) January 6, 2017
Black Twitter needs its own Netflix documentary, "Lmao It's Lit Af": How Black Twitter Runs Social Media Culture.
— Rob Sherrell (@RobJustJokin) January 6, 2017
Black Twitter is like a big family reunion, honestly. That's why I love this app.
— “can i get that jill scott” (@toorich06) January 6, 2017
Let's be honest, black twitter made twitter into the platform it is now
— Lex Luthor (@_RakimFromBK) January 6, 2017
Black Twitter is the only Twitter I know pic.twitter.com/6SgreL9jQD
— Write A Rap (@_yved_) January 6, 2017
Yahoo Finance’s original tweet remained posted for nearly 30 minutes before being deleted and offering an apology.
We deleted an earlier tweet due to a spelling error. We apologize for the mistake.
— Yahoo Finance (@YahooFinance) January 6, 2017
To be fair, the letter “B” and “N” are right next to each other on a qwerty keyboard, so this really could have been a really unfortunate typo. At least we had Black Twitter to give us a many great laughs.