There are confused souls and then there’s Love & Hip Hop Atlanta‘s Mimi Faust. Sure, people might struggle and stumble on occasion through this journey we call life, but Mimi has taken far more than her fair share of tumbles. On national television no less.
When Mimi first jumped on board with the LHHATL franchise, she was caught in the middle of a good ol’ fashioned love triangle between her, Stevie J and Joseline Hernandez. This storyline played itself out for about three seasons or so, and then once Stevie made it clear that he chose Joseline, Mimi opted to get a beefcake of her own, named Nikko. The only problem is her beefcake was of questionable character (and sexuality, according to K. Michelle) and he ended up recording and releasing their taped sex sessions to the world. Oh, and h also brought his secret wife out from the closet to join in the fray for a season.
After THAT hot mess was put on the backburner, Mimi then decided she was a lesbian this season, and traipsed around with a butch lesbian, who might’ve been transitioning into a man as she preferred to be called “he.” But that stunt didn’t last very long and Chris Gould, the stud Mimi was letting munch her carpet, was not here for the Stevie J and Joseline circus.
Since Chris Gould ducked out the picture, Mimi’s storyline has drifted back to Stevie J and her relationship with him. With Joseline putting Stevie out of the house, he’s been crashing on Mimi’s couch and spending more time with her. Though Mimi acts like there’s nothing between her and Stevie, her actions and intense involvement in his personal affairs say otherwise.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, on this episode of LHHATL, the levy has finally broken and Mimi winds up crying over Stevie J all over again.
As Stevie is in the midst of his Petty World Tour against Joseline, he is using Jessica Dime to make his Puerto Rican Princess jealous. At least half of the LHHATL is transplanted in L.A. for Grammys week and Mimi’s eyes bulge out of her head when she sees Stevie walk in to an event with Jessica Dime as his date. If you’ll recall, Mimi was Jessica’s so-called manager for a bit and when Mimi tried to get Stevie to work with her, he refused.
Mimi is pissed that once again, Stevie has managed to make her look like a damn fool. So Mimi pulls Stevie aside to have a conversation about it.
At first, it’s all about Jessica Dime, but then the conversation takes a sharp turn to addressing the storied history between Mimi and Stevie. Starting with how he left Mimi for Joseline all those years back.
“I think you’re in denial about a lot of shit that has gone on between us,” said Mimi.
“I fucked up our family for a stripper,” confessed Stevie.
“You have no idea how the fuck you hurt me. I’ma tell you what, I’ma tell you what. You did some damage that can never be repaired. Ever,” said Mimi with tears in her eyes. “You’ve got to start showing me actions.”
Girl, how are you still weeping over how Joseline wrecked your home when you were NEVER married to Stevie J and you’ve gone on to get dicked down on camera and dipped your toe in the lady pond since? Are you really still hung up on Stevie J’s beefcake after ALLLLL of that? Move on, Mimi. Move on.
Momma Dee Gets on Ernest’s Case
When Momma Dee isn’t out here trying to kickstart her music career (girl, bye), she’s out in these streets trying to salvage her marriage to that no-good, deadbeat, bum of a husband of hers, Ernest.
Even though he came out of jail, and even though she knew he wasn’t shit after being married to him before, Momma Dee is STILL acting surprised that Ernest is essentially a leach who can’t pull his own weight. Ernest, on the other hand, claims that he’s working three jobs and trying to his best to make Momma Dee happy, but nothing he does seems good enough.
So apparently, he seeks out the advice and counsel of Shirleen, Rasheeda’s mother. This counseling relationship that Ernest is sets up with Shirleen is based on the strength of her attending some “psychology courses.” So Ernest and Shirleen meet up a restaurant so he can pour his heart out to Shirleen and get her take on the situation.
But guess what? They are not alone.
Momma Dee is playing detective, y’all, Miss Shirleen, she’s got your number hussy!
So how did Momma Dee catch these two having their secret meeting? If you guessed that production told her where and when to show up, you’re right. But on the show, Momma Dee makes a big deal about her claim that she put “a tracking device” on Ernest’s phone. Girl, do you mean “Find My iPhone”? That comes pre-installed and doesn’t require any sophisticated hacking to put in place. But we’ll let you act like you’re working some CIA-grade shit if you want to, Momma Dee.
Shirleen is caught off guard by Momma Dee’s sudden appearance, and even though Momma Dee is walking on crutches because of sciatic nerve pain, she is lucid as ever when she roasts Shirleen for playing marriage counselor without the proper training or credentials.
“Why would Ernest seek counsel from somebody who’s not even qualified? This is the problem with my husband. He doesn’t think with his head,” said Momma Dee.
Well damn. I guess even a broken clock is right every once in a while, huh?
RELATED: Momma Dee Hangs Her Husband Ernest Out to Dry on Twitter
After Momma Dee’s interruption of Ernest and Shirleen’s counseling session, it quickly wraps up with Momma Dee threatening to throw Ernest off of her “gravy train.” It won’t be the first time she’s thrown Ernest out on his ass so I’m sure it ain’t no thang for him.
Joseline and Stevie Meet and (Sort of) Make Peace
After avoiding each other for the past few weeks, Stevie and Joseline finally reunite in L.A. Stevie is incensed with Joseline over photos that were all over social media of her and Rick Ross getting acquainted. Joseline denies that the photos were inappropriate while Stevie presses for an apology.
Unfortunately, Joseline isn’t bending so Stevie has to settle for an agreement that the two will remain friends and keep it moving. Joseline agrees to this and the two hug it out. There’s no discussion about the claims Stevie has been making about their marriage being fake (Joseline claims it’s because Stevie won’t dare say it to her face) but Joseline and Stevie are in forgiving moods, so Joseline decides to reward Stevie with some sexy time.
But she has a special guest: Tommie, Scrapp’s sort-of girlfriend.
Joseline essentially serves Tommie up to Stevie for a threesome, and the two ladies flirt and giggle with each other. Neither of them confess to the supposed vaginal tongue-down that was implied in the previous episode, but Joseline tries to get Stevie on board for the threesome. Struck by a sudden moral conscience, Stevie meekly backs out and in her confessionals, Tommie claims it was awkward for her as well and that she never intended to take it all the way there with “Uncle Stevie.”
Nonetheless, she does end up topless with Joseline and the two bend over and twerk a little for Stevie’s entertainment. So I guess, this whole scenario only sort of crossed the line.
Lyfe Pops the Question to Karlie Redd
While Karlie Redd is still very enjoyable as a character on LHHATL, the direction that the show’s producers have taken her in is a bit confusing. One minute she’s boo’d up with Young Joc, the next minute she’s getting it in with Scrapp, and then randomly we revisit her old flame Lyfe?
And not only do we revisit Lyfe, but we pick up with their relationship that has gone terribly cold, with some half-baked drama about Lyfe supposedly being married?
Long story short: Several blogs have been writing about an alleged wife that Lyfe has who lives in Germany (no, it’s not Amina Buddafly!). Karlie confronts Lyfe while they’re in L.A. saying that she received confirmation via the girl’s social media account. Lyfe cooly points out that Karlie is essentially illiterate.
“This chick in Germany, she’s saying that y’all married,” exclaimed Karlie. “She put married, question mark, no better for Lyfe than Karlie.”
“She said ‘Married?’ No…Better for Lyfe than Karlie? Yes,” said Lyfe, correcting her.
“No, I didn’t read it like that,” balked Karlie.
Girl, you mean a lack of understanding on how punctuation works got you out here looking like a damn fool? Lyfe had to take Karlie’s ass on the Reading Rainbow and get her together. Poor thing.
After Lyfe reads Karlie, literally, for her misconstrued marriage allegation, he then presses her about her relationship with Scrapp DeLeon. Karlie claims he’s just been a supportive friend and there’s been nothing more going on between them.
It’s not clear if Lyfe believes her or not, but he presses ahead and says that even though they’ve both been dealing with other folks, he doesn’t want to give up on what they have.
And with that, Lyfe pulls out a ring.
And Karlie passes out and falls right off the bench.
Ok, girl. Guess those acting classes that you snagged from Groupon are being put to good use?
If you think this marriage proposal is real, then you probably think that Jessica Dime’s inflated ass is the byproduct of cornbread and ribs too. You know Mona Scott-Young loves her a wedding storyline and with Joseline and Stevie’s fake marriage exposed, I guess LHHATL needs another one.
Good luck with that, Karlie.