NeNe Leakes is not happy about the way she was portrayed on TV on the two most recent episodes of “Real Housewives of Atlanta” when the ladies got together for a group counseling session with Dr. Jeff.
If you’ll recall, two episodes ago, NeNe reached out to Dr. Jeff to mediate a discussion with the rest of the cast (minus Phaedra, who didn’t show up) so that they could hash out their issues.
Right when the group therapy session started, the ladies made it clear that NeNe was partly to blame for a lot of the issues within the group, and all of the women (except Porsha) took turns letting Leakes know how they felt about how they were treated by her in the past.
Feeling attacked, it didn’t take long for NeNe to get on the defensive, and she literally grabbed her bags and walked right out of the session that she put together in the first place, which is typical NeNe because she feels as though she’s the queen and deserves the respect of her royal servants.
Now it seems like everyone’s lips are tired from kissing her ass so much, and she is NOT having it.
So she took to her personal blog and literally shaded every single RHOA cast member in some form or fashion, using a snarky tone and sarcastically saying that she’s the reason for everyone’s problems.
NeNe called Kandi “hateful” and accused her of being “jealous” of her, and she also claimed that the producers, the women on the show, and even Dr. Jeff are trying to turn viewers against her.
Read NeNe’s blog post in full here:
Don’t you just love the dramatics of the Real Housewives Of Atlanta? I loved how Dr. Jeff was saying “Nene, you’re going to that place again.” “Nene, you’re getting angry,” as I calmly walked to my car. He’s got a job to do too, right?
How well do I know how that works? It works about as well as those blue cards he was reading off of with all the producer’s notes on them! LOL!
The things they try to do to turn the viewers against you! Over the years I’ve learned you have to get up from the table when love is no longer being served! Everyone came prepared to blame one person and that one person seemed to be me!
Since I am the one that has divided the cast, let me take full responsibility for Porsha and Kenya fighting at the reunion! I’m totally responsible for Porsha and Claudia not getting along at all this season.
I must take full responsibility for Claudia and Kenya saying Porsha is dating a married African man. Now you know I had everything to do with Cynthia and Porsha falling out! I can now say I had a hand in Cynthia saying Phaedra is cheating with Mr. Chocolate.
Phaedra, Kenya & Apollo wouldn’t be having their problem if it wasn’t for me, hunni. I am definitely the common denominator to Kandi and Phaedra’s friendship problems. Lord knows I did everything wrong in my friendship with Cynthia!
For those who didn’t know, I am the reason Todd doesn’t want to have sex with Kandi and I was the reason Porsha and Kordell divorced. Now that I have admitted all of my problems with the help of Dr. Jeff, can we all take a trip together and continue to pretend I am the problem because that’s what you were told to do!
PS: Kandi, I always knew you didn’t like me but you truly showed me how hateful and jealous you are! You don’t have a real reason to be mad. You should be mad that you were MIA on your friend but you chose to throw salt on me because I was just a shoulder for Phaedra.
There’s no where in this season where you see me saying negative things about you! You said all those things about me because you fail as a friend! If I were you, I would call Dr. Jeff for help #girlbye