After hundreds of shows and several long months, Keke Palmer and NeNe Leakes have finished their respective Broadway stints in Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella.
Keke made history as Broadway’s first African American Cinderella, and last night when the curtain fell for her and NeNe (who played the evil stepmother), the two couldn’t hold back their tears as they took their final bows.
After all was said and done, both ladies took to their Instagram pages with emotional messages sharing their bittersweet feelings on the show’s closing.
NeNe, who joined the production in November filling in for Sherri Shepherd, wrote:
As I took my final bow, my amazing hubby, children, friends and family cheered me on as they knew the journey, the hard work, and tenacity it took for me to get here. I have found my home! BROADWAY BABY! I gave the character all I got every Nite that I stepped out on that stage. I am so proud of myself and blessed to have worked with an amazing cast that showed me generosity and kindness!
Keke shared:
Today was the day. Today was the official end of my Broadway debut. 136 shows out of 136 shows, man .. I can honestly say I wasn’t sure if I could do it. Being 21, coming from only film and TV, I wasn’t sure I was disciplined enough for Broadway. I didn’t think I was old enough and I wasn’t sure if I was talented “enough”.
So many thoughts run through your mind when you’re trying something new, but one thing I always know, is God would’nt give me what I was not ready for. You ask for things from the Lord sometimes and we are never sure how they will arrive, or as what they will arrive as. I so badly was struggling with finding sense of self before I embarked on this journey.
So many things were happening in my life, but at this particular time I was just afraid to stand on my own, truly. My career was what I mostly hid behind, work .. work .. And MORE WORK! I kept asking God for clarity, for strength, for the ability to not be afraid to GROW! I knew that this experience would be life changing, but I only could imagine what it would change in my technique, I never knew what it would do for me as a person.
God answered all my prayers and I followed through with him by not letting my fears hold me back. This Broadway journey has been all about GOING FOR IT! Stepping into an uncomfortable zone and allowing yourself to get the opportunity to receive all the jewels that you are meant to gain from it. That has transferred a lot into my personal life, I have gained so much courage and belief in me, in my heart and my intuition.
God found a way to give me the message through my first love, ENTERTAINING! I am not done yet, I know this is just the beginning, but my goodness all I can say is I am so grateful to know the light of the Lord. And not because my life is perfect or because I’m perfect, because I’m NOT!! But, because I CHOOSE to acknowledge the miracles that he has shown me.
No matter how big or small they may seem to someone else, they are HUGE to ME! Don’t be afraid of the light within, you guys. We all shine so brightly and uniquely, don’t block the blessings, the answers to your prayers because you are AFRAID. It’s a new year, a new age! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!
Congrats to both ladies!