What do you get when you take three adorable grandmas (who have never smoked marijuana), give them a bong and a vaporizer, and then record the results? A hilarious video showing three adorable grandmas getting high for the first time ever!
First, the ladies all take hits from the bong, then they play Jenga, then they vape and play Cards Against Humanity before ending everything off with … SNACK TIME!!!
Later, they discuss the benefits of cannabis (less muscle tension, more happiness) and they also find out what “queefing” really means. Overall, it was a good day for these grandmas and if you watch this video all the way through, you’ll have a good day too.
And for those of you assuming these ladies are doing something illegal, let’s stop you right there. The video was filmed in their home state of Washington, where recreational marijuana is 100% LEGAL.
Watch above!