For those of you out there (like us) who thought “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues” was a HUGE disappointment … have faith!
Paramount Pictures has announced that they will be re-releasing the film to 1,000 theaters with “763” new jokes and 95% new material.
“We started talking and realized, we can replace every single joke in the movie with another joke,” director Adam McKay told the New York Times.
The alternate version will also be Rated R and 20 minutes longer than the original Anchorman sequel, which was rated PG-13 and wasn’t really as funny as we thought it would be, honestly.
You know how you really want something to be really funny, and it just isn’t? That’s “Anchorman 2.” Hopefully “2.5” will be different. And … FUNNY.
“It’s the same movie, just 20 minutes longer,” Will Ferrell told Jimmy Fallon on the ‘Tonight Show.’ “There’s a musical number we had to cut from the original one. Little treats like that.”
Anchorman 2.5’s limited week-long release will begin on Friday (Feb 28).
We’re glad they realized the original version essentially sucked ass; maybe they can get it right the second time around!