Earlier in the year, a feminist writer by the name of Camille Paglia drew a comparison between Rihanna and Princess Diana earlier arguing that both displayed a “ravishingly seductive flirtation” with the media and used every photo opps to convey “allure, defiance, or revenge.”
She was shaded into the ground because of it and I don’t blame the people who participated. In any event, Rihanna did comment on Princess Di in the latest issue of Glamour magazine.
On the fallen royal, Princess Rih-Rih said, “You know who is the best who ever did it? Princess Diana. She was like—she killed it. Every look was right. She was gangsta with her clothes. She had these crazy hats. She got oversize jackets. I loved everything she wore!”
GLAMOUR: Ah, the haters. Do you pay attention to what they say?
RIHANNA: I can’t run from it. You can’t change who you are. It’s important for me to know who I am and work with that. They’re gonna keep knocking away until all this comes crashing down. But I’m not gonna ever crash. I’m in control.
GLAMOUR: You seem pretty fearless these days.
RIHANNA: I had to regain my fearlessness because it did go away for a little bit. My mother said something to me a few years ago: “I’ve seen something in your eyes I’ve never seen before: fear.” She was like, “No, this is not you.” I just got back to being OK with myself.