Ten years after “Finding Memo” became one of the most successful and popular animated films of all time, Disney-Pixar has made a stunning announcement. A follow up to the film is in the works!

The sequel, titled Finding Dory,” will hit theaters on November 25, 2015.

Ellen DeGeneres, who voiced the beloved fish Dory in the film, announced the sequel on her daytime talk-show and also expressed her excitement in an official statement:

“I have waited for this day for a long, long, long, long, long, long time. I’m not mad it took this long. I know the people at Pixar were busy creating ‘Toy Story 16.’ But the time they took was worth it. The script is fantastic. And it has everything I loved about the first one: It’s got a lot of heart, it’s really funny, and the best part is—it’s got a lot more Dory.”

Dory is one of the most popular characters from the Oscar-winning film, so it’s no surprise that the film will focus on the blue tang fish.

The only puzzling aspect of the announcement is the fact that it took so long for a sequel to be developed.

“Finding Memo” took in a stunning $921 million globally, so you would think that the studio would have churned out a sequel or two by now. After all, films that barely turned a profit get a follow up these days (see: “Hansel & Gretel”).

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