Rihanna looks ABSOLUTELY STUNNING as she rocks a sexy white Calvin Klein dress and Neil Lane Jewelry on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar Magazine‘s upcoming August 2012 issue.
Read what Rihanna had to share with the magazine below, and check out the photo spread too!
On her rebellious behavior:
“I’m rebellious through my music, through my fashion, tattoos, and my hair. I have been conservative in my love life… it’s pretty much nonexistent. If I come across someone who I find really cool, I’ll hang out. But the minute I find that we’re getting too close I just—I don’t let people in.”On recording music with Chris Brown:
“The fans could have said, ‘We don’t want anything to do with it.” I understood that people had every right to be concerned about it. But I didn’t see it that way because I’m in a different place.”On being afraid of falling of love again:
“When I was in love, I fell so hard. I was really, really, really in love. The way it made me feel was priceless. And in a blink of an eye my whole life changed. Everything that I knew was different. I never thought I’d feel that pain in my life. I’m afraid of feeling that again.”On losing weight and her new extra slim figure:
“I don’t know if there’s something going on with my body right now, but I’m eating everything in life!” she laughs. “I miss my ass. It just went away! I need a butt. I have an idea of one, but it’s not living up to its full potential right now.”
The full issue hits newsstands everywhere on July 17th.