Life in plastic, it’s fantastic!
Barbie, the ultimate career gal who loves to dress up, is teaming up with three new likeminded friends: Kim, Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian!
A source tells the new Us Weekly, on stands Friday, that the reality stars will be immortalized as Barbie’s pals in an upcoming limited-edition doll line.

“The dolls will reflect the girls’ measurements and may even comes in Kardashian-designed outfits,” says a source.
Kim, 31, appears to already have struck up a friendship with the world’s most famous doll.
“Merry Christmas Barbs!” she tweeted on Christmas. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing lots of each other [in 2012]. Shopping soon!”
For more on the Kardashian Barbie dolls, check out the new Us Weekly, on stands Friday!
Republished from: US Weekly