DMX is still cleaning up at random places in South Carolina.
The “Where My Dogs At” rapper was spotted over the weekend vacuuming the carpet at Club Universal in Spartanburg, SC … and just like the last time, TMZ has all the details:
Just days after mopping up at a Waffle House last week, DMX was once again spotted cleaning up his act — vacuuming the carpet at a nightclub in South Carolina … and TMZ has the video proof.
As for what prompted the latest cleaning spree at Club Universal in Spartanburg Saturday night — X tells us, he just loves to clean and if he can help out the people who do it for a living, all the better … “Broom, vacuum, mop, whatever … it’s a rewarding experience.”
The rapper adds, “What can I say? I like clean sh*t and the supplies were available.”
If cleaning is what it takes to keep X out of trouble … then by all means, do you bruh!