It looks like Chris Brown and Rihanna might be trying to “be friends” (or something) after-all. A couple of quick witted fans just so happened to somehow catch Chris publicly tweeting to Rihanna … but the alleged tweet (apparently meant for her eyes only) … was quickly deleted.
According to recent reports, Breezy sent RiRi a questionable message that read: “[You] got that that pic I sent you” before it disappeared. A few sites were able to snag a screenshot of the tweet that was most likely meant to be a DM, which explains why it was deleted with the quickness.
Though neither side has stepped up to explain the story behind the tweet, in an effort to end all the speculation, Chris Brown did tweet this: “[people], dont listen to the blogs. i never @’d @rihanna. stop tryna make a story out of nothing.”
Well, there ya have it! Chris says he didn’t do it. End of story.
BUT! If he really DID tweet Rihanna … we wonder what “pic” he’s referring to? Things that make you go hmmm….