Donald Trump is STILL trying to fight his corner and prove that he is not a racist. Trump’s treatment of black people has been focused on since he made remarks concerning President Obama and his presidency.
And now the Donald has insisted that he’s not a racist because a black guy named Randal Pinkett won “The Apprentice” 6 years ago.
On Monday morning the New York native appeared on Fox & Friends and talked about the Color of Change’s crusade to recruit current Celebrity Appenctice contestants Lil Jon and Star Jones (she was fired Sunday night) to charge him of race-baiting. Trump said:
“When it comes to racism and racists, I am the least racist person there is. And I think most people that know me would tell you that. I am the least racist. I’ve had great relationships. In fact, Randal Pinkett won on The Apprentice a little while ago, a couple years ago, and Randal’s been outstanding in every way. So I am the least racist person. But Van Jones is a guy trying to get some publicity for himself by attacking Donald Trump. This is the first organized attempt to target these celebrities and demand that they, as prominent African-Americans, take a public stance against Donald Trump’s ongoing attacks against President Obama.”
But this is not the first time that Trump has been accused of racism. In 2004, Trump and his show were criticized for having a black contestant sell candy in front of a subway in New York City. The guy was later fired, although he had “ambition,” “intensity” and an “unbelievable resume.” And in the 1970’s, Trump was sued by the federal government for discriminating against non-white renters in several of his NYC apartment buildings.
Sounds pretty “racist” to us!
And not only that, but on Sunday night, 3 black contestants left “Celebrity Apprentice.” First, NeNe Leakes quit the show because she felt she was being slighted in favor of Star Jones, and after being brought back for a second chance, Latoya Jackson was fired after her team lost the challenge. And to top it all off, at the end of the show, Star Jones was also fired, leaving Lil Jon as the only black contestant left.