With a name like “Judas” you know you’re going to spark a bit of controversy … as was the case in Lady Gaga’s new controversial visual for her single which bears the same of Jesus’ betrayer.
Speaking on the uproar the video has caused, Gaga states people need to chill out, saying that the visual “is not meant to be an attack on religion. I respect and love everyone’s beliefs.” And declaring that “it’s meant more to celebrate faith than it is to challenge it.”
When MTV caught up with the video’s o-director Laurie Ann Gibson, to get her thoughts on an all the hoopla the video has caused, Gibson shared Gaga’s sentiments and even took some shots at a few of the critics in the process.
“To the religious groups, I don’t even know that there’s religious [stuff in there],” she explained. “I’m like, you know, Jesus did have a crown of thrones, he did die for my sins. I’m a believer, so I say to them, those religious people, personally, I can’t speak for Gaga, but as a director, a choreographer, as a believer, I say, ‘Take a look at yourself.’ For me, I would never [defame] my savior and the love and the non-judgment of what Jesus means to me. So I say, ‘Take a closer look at why you’re judging.