Snoop from “The Wire” plans on fighting charges after being arrested in a drug raid last week. The actor’s rep released the following statement on her behalf:
“Felicia grew up where high crime rates, drug use and violence are the norm. Felicia has overcome numerous hardships in her lifetime. She does not expect these hardships to be used as an excuse for illegal activities. Felicia has made strong statements against drugs and violence of any kind … [and has] been recognized for her efforts in encouraging youth and formerly incarcerated women to make positive changes for themselves. She wants her friends and fans to know that she is keeping her head up, shoulders back and that she is prepared to fight these new charges against her.”
Sounds like a case of “the man” just trying to find a bright target to “set an example.” No one deserves accused of something they didn’t do just because “the man” feels like they “could have” done it. We hope everything works out for Snoop…