Dwayne Johnson, previously known as “The Rock,” is returning to the wrestling wring! Following a 7 year hiatus from WWE, the wrestler turned actor has reportedly reached an agreement with CEO Vince McMahon to guest host Wrestlemania 27 this April.
Dwayne hinted at a comeback on his Facebook page just two weeks ago, but no one took him seriously because he’s done things like that in the past. However, earlier this month, Vince McMahon said that “someone” will be guest-hosting WrestleMania 27, and that someone is the one of few people capable of hosting a big audience filled with wrestling fans.
“Each year, there is something special about each WrestleMania, some special moment, some special attraction, something you’ve never seen before, I assure you that this year will be no different,” Vince McMahon said on the February 7th edition of Monday Night Raw. We will introduce a man that has set a banner, and set a record like no one else, cause no one has ever hosted an event in front of 75,000 people and only one man is capable of doing that.”
And we all know that can only be 1 person…. The Rock!