If you so happen to be a prostitute…..try not to get caught having sex with a homeless man in an abandoned shed. It probably isn’t the best look for business!

Read the story below…….

But before we get to the story, we gotta say this: that woman really gives us the creeps!!

Okay, moving on…

A 31-year-old Immokalee woman faces a prostitution charge after having sex with a homeless man Friday night, deputies say. Christine M. Cady, 31, of Eustise Avenue, was charged with having sex for money with Pedro Cruz-Santiago, 45, who was charged with aiding, abetting or committing solicitation of a prostitute.

Collier County sheriff’s Deputy Patrick J. Lawson says he was working in Immokalee after 11 p.m. when he observed Cady walk through a field. He said he saw two men standing next to a trailer and under a tree when one of the men gestured for Cady to come closer. Lawson says he was about 30 yards from the trio and couldn’t hear them talk but, he said, the area is known for crime – especially prostitutes who walk the neighborhood.

Eventually, Cady followed Cruz-Santiago into a nearby abandoned shed. The deputy said he watched as the two appeared to be having sexual intercourse. He said he flashed his light into the shed and stopped their actions, and asked both to step outside the shed.

Lawson said he arrested both on prostitution charges.



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