Some things just aren’t meant to go down….
And a 26-year-old New York City man learned just that when he ended up saving his own life after jumping out of a window…..and landing on top of a pile of trash. Guess it wasn’t his time yet.
Read the full story below:
A suicidal man plummeted nine stories and survived in midtown Sunday when he landed on a mountain of trash that had piled up since last week’s blizzard, officials said. Vangelis (Angelo) Kapatos, 26, wearing only pajama bottoms, jumped from his family’s apartment in the Whitby building on 45th St. near Eighth Ave. just after noon. The young man, troubled by a threat of eviction from the rent-regulated apartment, was fresh out of psychiatric treatment, relatives said.
He had tried to end his life in a number of other ways before leaping, police sources said. “He landed on a garbage pile,” one official said. “That’s the only reason he’s alive.” Kapatos, whose family hails from Greece, was taken by ambulance to Bellevue Hospital. He was in critical but stable condition Sunday night, police said. Kapatos landed on his back, causing some of the black plastic garbage bags to burst, spewing out their rotten contents.
The Sanitation Department suspended trash collection after the Dec. 26 snowstorm paralyzed the city. Pickups were expected to resume today. Residents of the building said the garbage had been kept in the basement since the storm hit. Workers at the building put the rotten haul – some 100 bags in all – on the curb Sunday morning, residents said. “He’s probably alive because of it,” said one longtime resident of the building who would not give his name. Joe Kantor, 55, said he looked out his apartment window after hearing police-car sirens. He was stunned to see Kapatos lying amid the trash. “He wasn’t moving at all. I didn’t think he was alive,” Kantor recalled. “He was bleeding from the side.”
Kapatos came unraveled after his landlord began proceedings to evict him from the $572-a-month apartment, relatives said. He had a nervous breakdown in Housing Court last month, family said. He spent two weeks at Bellevue Hospital and was released last week. “He kept asking about what was going to happen to the apartment,” said aunt Katharina Capatos, 64. His mother moved back to Greece four years ago, Capatos said, and two years ago, his father, paralyzed and suffering from cancer, went into a nursing home. The son told his family, “‘I need somebody to come live with me,'” Capatos said. “I think he was lonely.”
Before Kapatos took the plunge, he sliced his throat with a knife, sources said. One other official source said Kapatos had tried to hang himself inside the apartment.
So let’s get this straight. First, the guy tried to hang himself and when that didn’t work he sliced his throat. And then after THAT didn’t work, he tried jumping out of a window, only to land on top of a big pile of garbage…..and still live. Wow. What a way to bring in the new year!