You can’t be serious!
Remember that photo TMZ put out last year of Rihanna after the incident with Chris Brown? Well…..apparently there’s more.
According to RadarOnline, some buffoon is trying to shop four never-before-seen images of the R&B singer in a Los Angeles emergency room after it all took place. These images are said to be a lot more detailed (and a bit more graphic) than the original.
Peep the full story below:
The photos were taken in a Los Angeles emergency room where Rihanna was being treated after she was assaulted the night of the Grammy awards in February 2009, according to an anonymous source who would not identify themselves to “They were taken at the hospital,” admitted the source, who has been shopping the photos to various other media outlets.
The possible release of the stills would almost certainly cause more outrage. Less graphic images were published online 11 days after the couple’s fight nearly two years ago. After that leak, the Los Angeles Police Department launched an internal investigation and asked for the public’s help in finding the source of the photographs. The photos showed to are different to those previously published.
While three of the stills feature Rihanna, a fourth is of Brown seated in a hospital room pictured with a small lesion on his upper lip. The battered songstress, whose real name is Robyn Fenty, is pictured with large welts above each of her eyebrows, marks on both of her cheeks and a split lip.
The most graphic photo is a close-up; her left eye bloodied and bruised, with four lesions on her face and multiple cuts on her bottom lip. Rihanna, wearing a grey tank top with her short hair pushed off her face, is also photographed in a profile position, showing the right side of her face. A ruler is being held up which shows the reddish swelling to span two inches – from the bottom of her eye almost all the way down to her mouth.
In another image, Rihanna is shown pulling her busted lips apart to show numerous lacerations on the inside of her mouth. A worker, wearing a latex glove, is holding up a ruler to her lips. There appears to be at least five major cuts on the inside of her lips. In the one image not seen by, Rihanna is captured with a “bite bruised mark on her arm”, according to the source.
Source: Radar Online
Makes us just sick! Whoever is trying to reopen this wound and start a whole bunch of drama really needs to evaluate their position in society… SMH!!